
Saturday, August 17, 2013

What did Ms. Schubow do this summer? Tons of stuff! Check it out!

Welcome Back to the new 2013-2014 school year! I had a very relaxing summer that involved the usual bike-riding, gardening and art making with a few fun adventures thrown in.

While summer was great, I am very excited to begin this new school year! I have a feeling it's going to be Bucktown's most successful year yet.

As always if you need to contact me you can email me at

Enjoy the photos!

I gardened of course, here is my tomato color spectrum

I visited the Garfield Park Conservatory, have you ever been there?

I moved into this cute blue apartment!

I took a watercolor class--it was very hard! Here is my second watercolor painting I made
I rode my bike down lakeshore drive. (No cars were present)

Oh yeah, and I went to cat circus. That's right, a cat circus. Feel free to ask me questions about what that means!