
Friday, March 9, 2012

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a SUPER FOOD

This quarter 5th graders embarked on quite a project. In class we learned about superheros and their characteristics and also discussed why it is important to eat healthy. I introduced students to super foods, foods that are particularly good for you, and each student got assigned a super food.
In media class, students researched facts about this food to know exactly why the food was so healthy. In art, the students drew the super food AS a super hero to show how healthy and super the food was. They then used their facts they researched and included those on the poster. These posters will be hanging in the cafeteria to remind the entire school to make healthy eating choices.

Some artists in the cafeteria where posters are displayed with Ms. Willie Mae, director of the cafeteria

Yes, dark chocolate IS a super food!

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