Thursday, November 1, 2012

Slice Me off a Piece of That!

4th grade students learned about the difference between a shape and form. (Shapes are flat, and forms are 3-D). Students learned how to draw a cake 3-D cake, learned how to add layers and tiers and make them decadent (Ask them what decadent means and they will surely tell you!) Students also had the task to create a cake for a specific person for a specific event., there were several birthday cakes for moms and best friends, cakes celebrating teachers and siblings, or a "just because you're awesome cake". It was very touching to see how special and personalized these cakes were!

A Cake for Ms. Meyer's wedding!
A Cake celebrating Mrs. Hendrix's new baby

A slanty congrats cake

Looks like a Halloween cake, but it's for a Grandma who loves Halloween.

An "Awesome Teacher" cake for Ms. Schnieder

A sweet checkerboard cake for dad

A cake celebrating wrestling!

During class, this student would have a list of things to include on the cake for his friend!

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